Then came the news that some blankety-blank-blank had shot the poor animal. He was found near-death to make it more heart-breaking. There's a reward out on the poacher's head; chances are we'll never catch the SOB. I think this bears mentioning even though it's a really miserable story. Here's the link to the latest story in our local online newspaper.. http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/article_fd97ab02-b932-11de-9aa1-001cc4c03286.html Everything is not always hunky-dory in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.
I tend to rant and get very descriptive when I hear about people like that. Better not say to anyhing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very sad story. However, the Black Hills "controlled" killing of mountain lions in numbers determined by counting droppings is not wonderful either!
Lets hope the $4,415 reward will make the moose killer more visible . . .