Friday, October 15

Awesome Autumn

The autumn colors in the Black Hills are already fading, but there are still patches of brilliant golds and reds if one looks around...and you know me, I really enjoy looking around...recently I took a drive up Nemo Rd. and Vanocker Canyon...

First, a somber note...Heading out of W Rapid City on County Rd 234, there's an area known as the Westberry Trail Fire...autumn colors have returned here, but there are dead trees standing vigil over the eerie landscape as a reminder...

...And there's a rest spot with signs explaining the fire, which burned from July 26th to 31st, 1988, charring 3,840 acres and destroying 15 homes...the firefighters stopped the fire 500 feet from another 440 houses and outbuildings. Not a big wildfire, but due to the proximity to so many homes, it was a very frightening one nonetheless.

Moving north up Nemo Road, I made my usual stop along Box Elder is softly reflected on the water's surface...the swallows are all gone now from the canyon's rocky face above the creek..

This small Ponderosa pine on the other side of the creek looks like it's half quaking aspen...

Further along the creek I stopped to capture some brilliant red and gold...but first, a chippy was checking me out...

I couldn't get a photo of the creek and the colors due to angle...the creek is below that rock wall in the background...

Another usual stop at Steamboat Rock picnic area...deserted and silent...

Heading up Vanocker Canyon, the quaking aspen always look beautiful this time of year on the Meadow Bruch ('brook') property...

A closer look at a lovely aspen by the gate...

A single ox-eye daisy still holding on, by Elk Creek in Vanocker Canyon.


  1. Awesome indeed Jann! Enjoy the colors whilst they last :-)

  2. I always enlarge your photos for all the little details, Jann. Lovely photos of the hill of aspens and reflecting water!

  3. You captured the colours of this lovely mellow season very nicely Jann. Super photo's!

  4. Thanks for sharing another interesting and colourful excursion into the Black Hills. Have a good weekend Jann. Cheers FAB.

  5. You captured the beauty of the season incredibly!!! Again, a beautiful series of pics
