Tuesday, December 7

New Season at Canyon Lake

A few days ago I visited the lake, expecting to see some ice on the surface...I did...I ate a picnic lunch in the car, with the engine running so that the heater also ran...I'd expected to lunch like that...light wasn't good but oh well...it wasn't cold out at least, as I walked along to see what I could snap...

A coot on ice along the edge of the lake shore...

Mallards swam to the icy shore to see if I had edible handouts...I did not...so off they skittered over the ice back into the cold water...

There were plenty of rock doves, this one w/ an interesting color variation...and a lack of fight-or-flight instinct apparently...I got quite close unlike w/ any of the others...

...More rock doves on the bridge railing...

A few wigeons were sighted...

And some common goldeneyes...winter migrants...

...As well as the buffleheads...this male had a more white head...

Than this (left) and most of the other males...right is the female bufflehead...

The gazebo on Gazebo Island...mostly buffleheads in the water.


  1. Good thing you didn't share your lunch with the mallards, they have passed an ordinance disallowing feeding the ducks and geese. People are generally not happy, but city gov't was pressured to do something about the "goose manure" on the sidewalks! Ducks are perpetually hopeful.

  2. Caroline, I've never fed the ducks at Canyon Lake; don't want them swarming me and people food isn't good for them besides. I was aware of the ordinance, but of course I see people still feeding the ducks.
