Monday, February 28

Images In White

This February may have been the 2nd snowiest one on record, but a person still needs to just get out of the proverbial fever-inducing cabin for some fresh air and change of scenery...I meandered through Custer Park in search of blue sky that lay south from home...very elusive blue sky, but behold, a winter wonderland....

French Creek.....

Male antelope resting....

Female antelope, up close and personal....

A lone pine on a slope....

A very pregnant buffalo (ctr.), a sharp contrast against pure white snow...

Snow-capped oak, a spidery network of bare branches...

One of a flock of wild turkeys bobbing along...

A distant Northern shrike....

And a white-tailed doe peering at a passerby from between saplings....

Stay tuned for Part II ....


  1. That sure looks cold Jann, but at least its bright !

  2. Every single photo is special Jann...honest... from the scenic French Creek and the lone pine to the Northern Shrike and the peering doe!

  3. Jann even if you don't like the SD weather you sure have the ability to capture beauty in amazing Winter and snow pictures. I can hardly wait for Part II!!
