I went for another one of my drives yesterday, getting out to enjoy the sunshine. It's almost April and still no sign of any wildflowers at all, but there are many signs that spring is arriving...
Ok this shot was taken two days ago, in my backyard...first robin to visit that I know of...
So back to yesterday's drive...I saw a few busy red squirrels along Spring Creek at a spot I like to visit...this one seemed to be trying to bite off more than it could chew w/ that big cone...
Also along Spring Creek, the chickadees were being inquisitive and getting close to me, which is a typical trait of theirs...and the red-breasted nuthatches, also seen but too flitty to capture...
Spring Creek, N of Sheridan Lake, still has plenty of snow patches, and the 'brownery' hasn't turned back into greenery yet. I did, however, see many signs of the first green appearing...Yay! NO wildflowers to speak of yet, though, dang it. Not even the early pasqueflowers.