Monday, May 31

Red-eyed Vireo, Bullock's Oriole

I began taking a drive east toward the Badlands this AM, but halfway there really lost steam, so turned around and headed back to I-90. Decided to take a drive down one of the gravel roads E of the Hills...I stopped for the first time at a cluster of oaks and other trees along a tiny brook near a farm house, got out and walked back and forth slowly, over powered by countless birds was a real bird paradise but overall they were not cooperating...

A red-eyed vireo, which would be a lifer as far as I know. Light is poor but I did play around w/ one photo and the eye does have a red tinge...speaking of vireos, I've updated my May 24th post under the photo of a possible willow flycatcher...don't know what I was thinking, geez...have relabeled the bird as likely a warbling vireo...

The man of the hour! I about freaked when I saw this large orangey-yellow bird zing by...I followed it, lucky to get a few shots before it disappeared. This was the best I could do. I knew it was an oriole, couldn't remember the full name...a Bullock's oriole, and a new lifer! Yesss!

A black-headed grosbeak, couldn't get a decent shot...

A squirrel scampering overhead...

A red admiral nectaring a chokecherry blossom. The admirals were all over this shaded creek-side spot.

I also saw a yellow bird I couldn't get a photo of or ID, and a house wren...


  1. I just photographed a red admiral too, Jann... on my porcelain berry vine. The squirrel photo is a nice one too!


  2. Beautiful pictures and post. I also got some life-birds this weekend.

  3. well done on the oriole lifer Jann, a good feeling when you achieve such birds :-)
