Wednesday, May 6

Spring Forth!

I think I can safely say now that spring is reeeally HERE! I've been in a cooking mood today, didn't go anywhere but into the kitchen. I've made salsa, a cake, and cooked chicken breasts to use for chicken salad sandwiches. I'll make up the spread later today. And I'm about to go back to the kitchen and make meatloaf, steamed spinach, and cornbread for supper.

Anyhow, these daffodils and tulips are in our neighbor's back yard, and I can see them from the kitchen window.

I can also see the bird feeder, which is only a few feet outside the kitchen window. We get a lot of purple finches, like this one below, at the feeding trough. I also saw an orange "finch"; not sure what it is yet. Will look it up in my bird book. Didn't get a good photo, dang it. I need to remember to bring the bird feeder in at night, because the deer are sneaking over from the foothills and eating the seeds.


  1. The flowers are a sure sign Spring is here! Finally!!
