Monday, December 14

Bighorn Ewes

It was in the 30's Sat., a heat wave compared to the rest of December so far, so I hit the road for Custer Park. I was surprised to find the bighorn sheep further E in the park than I've ever seen them before. Not far past the E entrance I found a few females on a hillside.

I'm sure glad I got out that day to enjoy some sunshine and countryside, because yesterday we got about 5" of snow and right now it's +0.


  1. Boy that sounds cold Jann! Over here if the temp gets to 40f everybody starts saying its freezing!

  2. Great Ewe photo, Jann. She really let you get close (unless you have a long telephoto). Enjoy your cold and snow.

  3. Beautiful animal. Sometimes they can be very tame - other times you will never see them. Great shot. I love your header.

  4. You captured a beautiful photo Jann of such a strong looking Ewe.
