Tuesday, August 4

A Waxwing on my Head, Snow in my Eyes

Here's documented proof that a cedar waxwing landed on a branch five feet above my head yesterday, at 'Bird Paradise' in the Southern-most part of the Black Hills. I was gob-smacked! I was just standing there, scanning the botany and minding my own business...I had to step back, away from him to get a better shot. A very magical moment!

This pretty wildflower is called snow-on-the-mountain (spurge family), easy to see why! It blooms in the Badlands area, and also the S. Black Hills, where I found it sprinkled everywhere Mon.

The monarchs have been sighted lately. This one is on swamp milkweed like the fritillary in yesterday's post, in the same area (Bird Paradise) by a creek. It wouldn't open it's wings. Sound familiar? OY.


  1. I really love your header photo Jann...beautiful horse in a beautiful meadow! I just recently took photos of Monarchs in our field...and I usually don't see Waxwings until later in the summer here.

  2. Tell me about that horse on your header! He is massive.

  3. Wow!!! What a neat header shot!! Love it. Wax wings rank near the top of my favorite bird list...so many colors on one bird. I always feel that this bird should be found within a silk Asian painting. I guess it is that mask and all those satin looking colors. Too bad about the gob-smacking..yuck never a nice way to see a bird..fanny first!
    Great pictures..always love visiting your blog!!

  4. A great shot, I love to visit your blog,I check in on you almost everyday..your pics are always great..

  5. I might take a gob-smack to get a good shot, maybe. ;)

  6. Oh Waxwings- their soft voice and the softness of their coloration. Great post. We have Cedar Waxwings nest in the large conifers in our yard and they are very interesting. I have also planted chokecherries in the backyard to attract them here.
