Tuesday, September 29

Sea Scraps 'N Scapes

One more Pacific NW shout-out...The scraps are objects I took photos of on my last day of beach therapy in N Calif., at Clam Beach just a few miles N of my hometown...

One of countless crab shells seen on the beach...

Part of a good-sized jellyfish; I put my keys by it for perspective...there were a lot of these large purple jellyfish at a couple of the beaches in the area, not something normally seen...the tentacles are always missing, no doubt torn away by the rough ocean current...

Seaweed is also a regular sight...this bit looks like a sagging palm tree...

A shrimp shell...

Salt water bubbles, looks like a cutsie paw print...

A razor clam shell...the stuff clam chowder is made of...MMMM...

A gull print in the sand at Clam Beach...

Looks like whimbrels, which winter in CA...legs aren't yellow, bill isn't as long as a curlew's and it's too small...these were hanging out near the statue (below)...

This statue of a commercial fisherman is at the far end of the Woodley Island Marina in Eureka, CA, my hometown...

This memorial stone, near the statue, has the names of the commerical fishermen lost at sea carved on it...there are names on three of the four sides. The star stands for those whose bodies were never recovered.


  1. Interesting photos. I remember the brief time I lived on the coast in Coos Bay. Loved walking the beach to see what the tide washed in and peering into the tide pools to glimpse the strange inhabitants.

    That statue is wonderful.

  2. Good morning Jann

    this is a lovely series...we have the big blobby jelly fish and they never have tentacles...the first one a crap? shell...
    I noticed the variations in the sand colour and texture and how grey it is...we have a fine golden sand on this coastline of Au...

    thanks for the beach walk...

    Happy days

  3. Very special photos Jann...of things not often seen...at least by me!


  4. I love all things sea. From the sand to the water...it is my idea of a perfect vacation!

  5. You get to see lots of amazing things and places Jann...You are very blessed...The things you see where you are from we don't see here,and I guess that is why your blog is so interresting to me...thanks for sharing
